PICKLEBALL TRADEMARK: Is The Word Pickle Trademarked

Did you know the name of America’s fastest-growing sport is trademarked? It’s true! If you run a pickleball business, make pickleball gear, or just love playing, you need to know how “pickleball” can and can’t be used. Let’s clear up the confusion around the “pickleball” trademark so you can stay on the right side of…

PICKLEBALL VS. TENNIS: Is Pickleball Tennis

Heard all the buzz about pickleball but can’t figure out what the heck it is? You keep seeing those funny-looking paddles and wondering if it’s worth trying. If you’re already a tennis fan, you might be curious about how pickleball compares and whether you’d enjoy it too. Points to drive interest: Pickleball is one of…

PADDLE VS. PICKLEBALL: Is Paddle The Same As Pickleball

Ever heard of pickleball and wondered if it’s the same as paddle? You’re not alone! Both these games are rapidly gaining popularity, offering a fun and social way to get active. But are they one and the same? Buckle up, because we’re about to unravel the mystery! Imagine a thrilling blend of tennis, badminton, and ping…