NUMBER OF BOUNCES: How Many Bounces In Pickleball

Want to master the back-and-forth of pickleball? Get a grip on the bounce! Pickleball throws a twist into the world of racquet sports with the “two-bounce rule.” This might seem simple, but it’s a fundamental aspect of the game that keeps rallies going and adds a layer of strategy. Ready to improve your pickleball game?…

BOUNCING: Does The Ball Bounce In Pickleball

Pickleball is a fun and fast-paced paddle sport, but understanding the bouncing rules can be tricky for beginners. Let’s clear up the confusion and get you volleying like a pro! Pickleball has a unique “two-bounce rule” that applies after the serve. This rule encourages rallies and extends gameplay.   You’re at the pickleball court, paddle…

SWITCHING SIDES: Do You Switch Sides In Pickleball

You’re in the middle of a heated pickleball match. The energy is high, the serves are fast, and you’re working hard with your partner – but do you ever switch sides? It might seem like a simple question, but switching sides in pickleball actually has a big impact on the game’s flow and fairness. So,…

SINGLES SERVE: Do You Serve Twice In Singles Pickleball

Pickleball is a blast, and singles play amps up the intensity! But if you’re used to doubles, that singles serve rule can throw you for a loop. Don’t worry, it’s actually way simpler than it seems. Let’s break down the whole “do I serve twice?” question and get you confidently slinging serves in your next…

SECOND SERVE: Do You Get 2 Serves In Pickleball

Ever wondered if you get a second chance on that pickleball serve? Maybe you saw a tennis player get two tries and thought pickleball might be the same. Pickleball serving rules are unique and can trip up new players. Let’s clear up the confusion and master the pickleball serve! Ready to ace your pickleball serves?…

NETTING: Can You Touch The Net In Pickleball

Have you ever been tempted to reach over the net in pickleball to save a point? Or wondered if accidentally brushing the net means you’ve lost the rally? Pickleball has a lot of specific rules, and the ones surrounding the net can be confusing. Let’s clear up exactly when touching the net is okay in…

PICKLEBALL SCORING: What Score Does Pickleball Go To

Pickleball is the perfect mix of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong – easy to learn but so much fun to master! However, if you’re new to the game, the scoring might leave you a little confused at first. Don’t worry, pickleball scoring is actually pretty simple. Let’s break it down so you can get out there and…

OUT BALL: What Happens If You Hit An Out Ball In Pickleball

The ball’s zooming, the game is tense, and you swing… but it sails just outside the line. Uh-oh! In pickleball, out-of-bounds calls can be tricky situations. Did you hit an out ball? Can you call it out even after the fact? What’s the deal? Let’s clear up the confusion around out balls and make sure…

SIDE OUT: What Does Side Out Mean In Pickleball

Pickleball can feel like its own language sometimes, full of unfamiliar words and phrases If you’re new to the sport, you might have heard a player shout “Side out!” after a rally and wondered what on Earth was going on. Don’t worry; it’s actually a pretty simple concept and a key part of the game….

LET SERVE: Is There Let In Pickleball

You’re in a heated pickleball match, focused and ready to smash that serve. The ball clips the net, but miraculously lands in bounds. What happens next? Back in the day, this was a “let serve,” meaning you’d redo the serve. But the rules of pickleball have changed! Understanding this rule shift is key, whether you’re…

KITCHEN RULES: Can You Step Into The Kitchen In Pickleball

Ever felt like the pickleball kitchen is a forbidden zone? You hear about not volleying in there, but the rules seem confusing. “Can I step in? Can I dance in? Can I just reach in real quick?” If you’ve got kitchen questions, you’re not alone! The kitchen is your pickleball battleground! Learn when you can invade it and…

NET CONTACT: Can You Hit The Net In Pickleball

Learn the rules about hitting the net in pickleball. Understand ‘let’ serves, accidental contact, and the consequences for your game.   So, you’ve nailed the dink shot, mastered the kitchen line battles, and now you’re eyeing up that net like it’s your worst enemy. But hang on – can you actually smack the net in…

HAND CONTACT: Can You Hit A Pickleball With Your Hand

Ever been in the heat of a pickleball rally and the ball just seems to have a mind of its own? It’s tempting to reach out and smack that little whiffer with your hand – but hold on a sec! Is that even legal? Let’s clear up the confusion about hand-to-ball contact in pickleball. Intriguing…

DOUBLE BOUNCE: Can The Ball Bounce Twice In Pickleball

New to the exciting world of pickleball? You might be wondering about a key rule that keeps rallies dynamic: the double bounce rule. Don’t be fooled by the name – a double bounce isn’t actually allowed! This rule dictates how the ball must come into play after a serve, and understanding it will elevate your…

SPIN SERVE: Are Spin Serves Legal In Pickleball

SPIN SERVE: Are Spin Serves Legal In Pickleball

Ever wanted to add an extra element of surprise and difficulty to your pickleball game? The spin serve might be the answer. By imparting a twist on the ball during the serve, you can make it dip, dive, or even curve in mid-air, throwing off your opponent’s return. But is this strategic maneuver legal? Let’s…