Pickleball is the perfect mix of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong – easy to learn but so much fun to master! However, if you’re new to the game, the scoring might leave you a little confused at first.

  • Don’t worry, pickleball scoring is actually pretty simple. Let’s break it down so you can get out there and start racking up those points!

Key Points: Understanding Pickleball Scoring

  • Games are usually played to 11 points, but you must win by at least 2.
  • Only the serving side can score. When the serving side loses a rally, the serve goes to the other team (this is called a “side out”).
  • In doubles, the score is called with three numbers. This would be the server’s score, the receiver’s score, then the server number (1 or 2).
    • Example: A score of 5-2-1 means the serving team has 5 points, the receiving team has 2, and it’s server number 1’s turn.
  • The starting serve is special. Only server number 2 (the person starting on the right side) serves at the beginning of a game. Once their team loses a rally, the serve goes to the other side.


How does Pickleball scoring work in singles matches?

  • It’s all about reaching 11 points. You have to outscore your opponent by at least two points to win.
  • Only the person serving can score a point. If the server messes up (faults), the serve goes to the opponent.

The Basics

  • Winning Score: Games in singles pickleball are typically played to 11 points, but you must win by at least 2 points.
  • Side Switch: The server alternates serving sides after each point scored. If your score is even, you serve from the right. If it’s odd, you serve from the left.
  • Points Only for the Server: Only the serving player or team can score a point. If the server makes a fault (more on those later), they lose the serve, and the receiver then becomes the server.
See also  SIDE OUT: What Does Side Out Mean In Pickleball

The “Calling the Score” Dance

Before each serve, you’ll call out the score in this format:

  1. Your Score (the server’s score)
  2. Your Opponent’s Score

Example: If you have 3 points and your opponent has 1, you’d call out “3-1” before serving.

What’s a Fault?

Faults are mistakes that cause the server to lose their turn serving. Here are some common faults:

  • Hitting the ball into the net
  • Hitting the ball out of bounds
  • Letting the ball bounce twice on your side before hitting it back
  • “Volleying” (hitting the ball in the air) in the non-volley zone (the area near the net)

How are points scored in doubles Pickleball?

  • Same goal as singles – get to 11 points and win by two.
  • Only the serving team can score a point.
  • Each team has two serves before the other team gets a chance:
    • Player 1 on the right side serves first.
    • If they win the point, they switch sides and serve again.
    • If they lose the point (fault), the second player on their team serves.
    • If that serve is also lost, the other team gets to serve.

The Basics

  • Only the serving team scores: Unlike tennis, only the team currently serving has the chance to score points in pickleball.
  • Score calling: Before each serve, the serving player must loudly call out the score. It goes like this:
    • Serving team’s score
    • Receiving team’s score
    • Server number (1 or 2, indicating if it’s the first or second server on that side)

How a Team Scores a Point

The serving team gets a point when the receiving team commits a fault. Here are some common faults:

  • Hitting the ball out of bounds
  • Hitting the ball into the net
  • A volley fault (hitting the ball in the air while standing in the non-volley zone, aka “the kitchen”)
  • A double bounce (letting the ball bounce twice on your side)
See also  SWITCHING SIDES: Do You Switch Sides In Pickleball

What is the starting score for a Pickleball game?

Pickleball games always start at 0-0-2. Let’s break that down:

  • 0: The first number is your team’s score.
  • 0: The second is the other team’s score.
  • 2: This tells you it’s the second server on the starting team.

The starting score in a pickleball game is always 0-0-2. Here’s why it’s a bit unusual:

  • 0-0: This is your typical starting score – no points for either side.
  • 2: This represents the serving team’s position. At the beginning of the game, it will be the first server on the serving team. If their team scores a point, they’ll switch positions, and the “2” will indicate the second server.

Let’s say you’re on the serving team. Your teammate calls out “0-0-2” before serving. You win the point! The score might then become 1-0-2, meaning your team has one point, and you’re still the second server.

PICKLEBALL SCORING: What Score Does Pickleball Go To

How many points are typically played in a standard Pickleball match?

Most recreational games are played to 11 points, win by 2.

Standard Match:

  • Pickleball games are typically played to 11 points.
  • To win, you must be ahead by at least 2 points. So, if the score gets to 10-10, the next team to reach 12 would win.


  • In some tournaments, the games might be played to 15 or 21 points. The “win by 2” rule still applies.

Key Point: Only the serving team or side can score a point in pickleball.

What is the “win by 2” rule in Pickleball scoring?

The “win by 2” rule means the winning team has to be ahead by at least two points. If the score gets to 10-10, you keep playing until a team establishes that two-point lead.

What is the “win by 2” rule?

The “win by 2” rule means that a team or player must win by at least two points to secure victory in a pickleball game.

Why does this matter?

  • Prevents endless ties: Without this rule, imagine a game tied at 10-10. The next point wouldn’t determine a winner. The game could go on forever!
  • Ensures a clear winner: The “win by 2” rule makes sure you have a decisive victor. If the score is 11-10, you need that last point to get the 12-10 win.

Example: If the score reaches is 10-10, the next team to score goes up 11-10. To win, they would need to score one more time to reach 12-10.

Do tournament games have different scoring rules?

Sometimes! Tournaments might play to 15 or 21 points, still with the “win by 2” rule in place. They may also have special formats, but they’ll explain those clearly before the tournament starts.

Casual Pickleball

  • Games to 11, win by 2: The standard for most friendly matches. The first side to reach 11 points wins, but they must do so by at least a two-point advantage.
  • Sometimes to 15 or 21: Less common, but some groups like to play to higher scores.
See also  NET CONTACT: Can You Hit The Net In Pickleball

Tournament Pickleball

  • Still usually to 11, win by 2: The majority of tournaments stick with this format.
  • Best of 3 games: This is the big change. Instead of a single game deciding the winner, matches will be a best-of-3 format (sometimes best-of-5 for finals). You have to win at least two out of the three games to take the overall match.
  • Occasional 15-point games: Some tournaments will have matches go to 15 points, win by 2. This is less frequent but can happen to allow for longer rallies.

Why the Change?

Tournaments need a best-of-3 format for fairness. A single pickleball game can be decided by a few lucky serves or bounces. Playing multiple games smooths out those random elements and lets the truly better team win out more often.

Now you understand the scoring basics of pickleball. It might seem a little strange at first, but you’ll get the hang of it fast!

  • Head out to the court, grab a partner, and try it out. The most important part of pickleball is having fun!
  • If you want to go deeper into the details and strategy, here are some great resources to check out:

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